DDTC Sep 20 Meeting Results Summary

This month’s meeting was held on Wed. Sept. 20 at 7:00 PM in the Gordon Room.  It was a hybrid meeting. (We ironed out the feedback issue from the last meeting and the hybrid meeting progressed pretty smoothly. The meeting was lightly attended due to change of date, schedule conflicts and illness.

Eunice Zeigler – Candidate for Governor’s Council – spoke to the committee via Zoom. Eunice provided an excellent summary of her background and experience, why she was running for Governor’s Council and what she hopes to accomplish. As always, there is a short instruction on what exactly the Governor’s Council does. We thank Eunice for her time and we wish her well in her campaign.

Next topic was for those delegates attending the convention on Saturday. All had the credentials and instructions and are ready to go. Some will be attending the 8:00 AM training sessions. There are 3: Save Our Democracy: Campaigning Across the Country, BlueLocal: How to Organize in Your Communities and ActBlue Training: So you want to run for office?. We will split up and have at least one person at the Save Our Democracy and Blue Local sessions. Gov Healey and Lt. Gov Driscoll are sponsoring a delegate party after the convention. Most plan to attend.

The main portion of our agenda concerned the Octoberfest on OCTOBER 7..  The OctoberFest Invitation has been sent out and there is much increased activity on the DDTC Web Site. Unfortunately Kasey is not feeling well and couldn’t make the meeting so we didn’t have an update on ticket sales but these typically are late anyway. (We hope Kasey feels better soon.) A reminder email will be sent out on October 1 to the same invitation mailing.

As in previous years, the plan is to have home made dishes, deserts and side dishes and then supplement as required with some catering by the club. So, we ask anyone who can to donate a main dish, side dish, or dessert.  Carol McLaughlin and Bea Clark are organizing this.  Please let Carol know by email crimaclau@aol.com. what you can bring by Sept. 29.   Your donations do help our overhead, especially since the Club now charges $600 plus bartender and linen etc. Bea and Jerry are again preparing their beautiful flowers for our decorations.

As it is not an election year, it’s a little more challenging to get speakers. Some have committed and some are still pending. We are still working to get a speaker that fits in with our Save Our Democracy theme. We have a couple that we are following up with. Any thoughts are welcome.

Liz Brennan has volunteered to greet and sign in people at the door and Vinny Malgeri to assist with storing donated diapers (we are asking diaper donations) but we need as much help as we can get before the dinner setting tables, food etc, etc and in the kitchen organizing and clean up. Anyone who can help in these areas will be GREATLY appreciated.

We look forward to seeing everyone.


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