Successful MassDems Convention – Sep 23

Delegates gathered at the Tsongas Center in Lowell On Saturday, September 23rd, to adopt potential changes to the MassDems charter.

Lou Bernazzani, Liz Brennan, Julie Curtis, Marilyn Hazel, Rep Sally Kerans, Sen Joan Lovely, Vince Malgeri and Tom Meagher represented the DDTC.

There were 3 training session offered at 8AM in a local hotel. They were Save Our Democracy: Campaigning Across the Country, BlueLocal: How to Organize in Your Communities and ActBlue Training: So you want to run for office?. Liz and Lou attended the Blue Local. Its focus was how to form a town/ward committee, bring new ideas and energy to your existing committees, and organize across different affinity groups and communities. It was a well run session with 4 delegates from different areas of the state and representing different age groups. Lots of good ideas which I will provide to the committee.

There were two 9AM breakfasts. One by Seth Moulton and veterans and the second by Elizabeth Warren and the AFL-CIO. They were both packed to capacity. Some of us got in to hear Sen Elizabeth Warren, Rep Lori Trahan and AFL-CIO Warren Tolman.

Our Second Essex District had front row seats. We were on the floor just to the right of the stage. Rumor was that this was courtesy of Lt Governor Kim Driscoll.

The Convention started at 10 AM and was very well run. There were a number of speakers beginning with local Democrats including the Mayor of Lowell Sokhary Chau and state rep and and senator Edward Kennedy, Warren Told (AFL-CIO) and Gina McCarthy. We then heard from Party Chair Steve Kerrigan, Congresswoman Lori Trahan, Secy. of State Galvin, Attorney General Andrea Campbell, Treasurer Deb Goldberg,  Auditor Diana DZoglio, Sen. Ed Markey, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll and Governor Maura Healey. Each speaker was upbeat expressing accomplishments and the values of Democrats. None ignored the current MAGA Republicans but they didn’t dwell on it an each was energizing. A first for me was when Auditor Diana DiZoglio burst into song during her speech.

I thought new Part Chair Steve Kerrigan did a great job running his first convention. He ran it well with some lighthearted humorous comments.

There were 4 charter amendments proposed. All four were approved. Two were just wording changes but two had significant discussion for and against. The first proposal was: if the delegate veteran representation did not reflect the veteran population in the state that a. number of at-large veteran delegates would be added. The voice vote was close and the decision of the chair recognizing the ayes prevailed was successfully challenged and a second vote was required before approval. The fourth amendment was: no member of the state committee , other than the chairman, can be eligible for full time non-temporary employment within the MassDems Party. The prevailed with a pretty significant majority.

Something I had not seen before was video speeches from Democrat Party State Chairs from different states. My recollection was New Hampshire, California, Virginia and Wisconsin but there may have been another or two.

Anticipating the the convention would end around 1 PM, Gov Healey sponsored a party at the Zorba Restaurant. However, the convention went to about 2:45 PM. I did make my way to the Zorba but it was packed and the line for food was out the door.

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