Help Joe Biden in NH

As you know, Joe Biden’s name will not appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot on Election Day in January. Insider party politics aside, the stakes are astronomically high. We must make sure that we re-elect Joe Biden – millions of working families and our democracy depend on it.

We are both New Hampshire primary veterans and have seen through several primary campaigns the impact that the outcome in the Granite State can have on the rest of the election cycle.  That is why it’s so important that Joe Biden has a good showing in this year’s primary. 

To do that, many New Hampshire Democrats are building a grassroots effort to write in Joe Biden on primary day.  They are planning programs that will ensure not only that voters know that Joe Biden is the only Democrat who can beat Donald Trump but that they must also write in his name on January 23rd. 

Massachusetts Democrats have a long tradition of helping candidates in New Hampshire. We know that a good volunteer base from down here can be a difference maker up there.  So, we’re reaching out to ask you to join us in defending our democracy and set Joe Biden on the path to re-election. Here is how you can help:

  1. Can you help on Election Day,  January 23 in New Hampshire?  We need scores of volunteers to do visibility at polling places and encourage Democratic voters to write in Joe Biden. Sign Up Here 
  2.  Sign up to help and we’ll keep you updated on other opportunities between now and January 23rd.  Sign Up Here 

We have to stand together as Democrats through this critical election cycle. Let’s start off strong with a win in New Hampshire.

Thank you,

Joe Caiazzo and Nick Clemons

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