Dysfunctional GOP Day!

I don’t usually editorialize in the posts but today was such an extraordinarily bad day for the Republicans (and our country), I just have to summarize their dysfunction.

  1. Appeals Court rules President does not have immunity. So, an Appeals Court had to rule that a President cannot order the Navy Seal team to murder his opponent and subsequently any Senators that would vote for impeachment and not be held accountable in a court of law. Only in Trump’s mind (and the Republican Party) would this not be obvious but here we are.
  2. GOP House of Representatives doesn’t have the votes to impeach Secretary Majorkas. For month’s the GOP Congress led by Trump puppy, Speaker Mike Johnson, have been working on impeaching Majorkas. The sole reason appears to be that because Trump was impeached and they cannot find anything on President Biden, Trump says they have to impeach SOMEONE. But a funny thing happened on the way to the vote, weak and obviously not able to count Speaker Mike didn’t have the votes to impeach. Again, the GOP demonstrated how screwed up they are.
  3. Republican Senators will not vote for immigration bill. Republicans insisted that strong border laws be enacted before they would approve aid to Ukraine and Israel. Bipartisan team of Senators developed a bill which Lindsay Graham said is the strongest bill ever. Democrats gave Republicans everything they wanted regarding stopping the current chaos at the border. A funny thing happened on the way to getting a vote on the bill. Donald Trump told all Republicans not to vote for this bill as it is too good and he will not have anything to run on. They must reject the bill. So the GOP demanded stronger laws on the border, they got stronger laws on the border, they are voting against stronger laws on the border.
  4. GOP House of Representative doesn’t have the votes to approve aid to Israel. Because they are now not voting for the immigration bill they asked for, weak Trump puppy Speaker Mike Johnson separated the aid on Israel vote and didn’t have the votes to pass this either.
  5. GOP Nevada Primary and a Caucus. The GOP had a primary yesterday which doesn’t count. Yes, people are going to vote in the GOP Republican Primary and it does NOT count. The GOP is having a caucus tomorrow that will count. Trump is not on the primary ballot and Haley is not in the caucus. Of course this makes sense in the GOP Trump led party. (Should be noted that Haley lost to “None of the above” 60% to 30%.)
  6. Thursday the Supreme Court will listen to arguments to decide if someone who incited an insurrection against the United States of America can run for President. This seems as ridiculous to me as the immunity claim but here we are. Unfortunately, the expectation is that the Trump nominated judges will find some way to wriggle out of this although the 14th Amendment is quite clear

A bad day for the GOP. A bad day for all of us.

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