
DanversDems StandOut October 26

DanversDems held a standout on October 26 in Danvers Square.  

Thank you to everyone who participated in the StandOut for Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and all our state and local Democrats. It was a great show of support. We covered three corners of the square. There were many familiar faces and also quite a few new faces joining us. Our own Rep Sally Kerans joined us early before grading to the airport for her flight to Philadelphia to participate in a Harris/Walz election event. Essex County Clerk of Courts Tom Driscoll spent the entire morning with us. Candidates Eileen Duff and Eunice Zeigler provide signs for their campaigns.

Many many people passing thru the square greeted us with a wave, thumbs up or a beep beep to show their appreciation and support for the work that we are do. Of course, there were a few not so enthusiastic for the work we do including one MAGA young man who only proved the point that Donald Trump should never get near the White House again.

The committee voted to do this again next Saturday so look for information for this to be forthcoming.

Thanks everyone.  Hope to see you on again.

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DanversDems Meeting – October 15

Thank you to the speakers last night.  All were very informative and we appreciate them taking the time to join and speak with us.

State Representative Sally Kerans
State Senator Joan Lovely
Tomas O’Brien from Yes On 4 (Ballot Question 4)
Mitch Gaynor and Frank Mozell from Yes on 5 (Ballot question 5)

At the meeting, we mentioned that longtime DanversDems Gerald Clark is currently at the Woburn Rehabilitation Center. I showed the information for people who wanted to reach out to Gerald and Bea rather quickly so I am including it here:

Woburn Rehabilitation Hospital
18 Frances Street
Woburn, MA 01801

Home Address:
Bea and Gerald Clark
64 Lindall Street
Danvers, MA 01923
Email: k1dfd@aol.com

A copy of the presentation slides used for the meeting are posted: October Meeting Presentation Slides

Three people expressed interest in participating in the Salem News article on the upcoming election.  They are looking to talk to average Democrat and Republican voters to see what issues are driving them to the polls.  If anyone else is interested please contact me.  Information concerning this article is on slide 10 of the October Meeting Presentation Slides.

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DanversDems Canvass in Portsmouth, NH for Harris/Walz w/ Rep Sally Kerans

DanversDems canvassed with Rep. Sally Kerans. 

DanversDems joined North Shore Women in Portsmouth, NH to canvass for Harris/Walz on October 5

Governor Healey kicked off the event.

DanversDems joined other MA volunteers knocking on doors to connect directly with voters on the issues that matter most to them so that we can make sure Democrats up and down the ballot are successful in November.

Canvassing occurs every Saturday and Sunday. Visit Campaign2024 for information.

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FreedomFest – A Great Evening

Our theme is “We Choose Freedom!”

Our first FreedomFest was very successful. The room was full, the speakers were great, the enthusiasm was high, the food was great and the rookie host was OK.

Who knew that just about every speaker we invited wanted to attend FreedomFest. With 12 scheduled speakers, I was concerned that the event could drag on but each speaker was crisp, inspiring and informative and the agenda just moved right along. We even added 2 speakers (Marsha Finkelstein and Beth Kontos) to the program. We appreciated all the speakers who gave up their Saturday evening to join us. We were sorry that Senator Lovely was unable to join us as she came down with COVID and we wish her to feel better soon.

In the spirit of the Harris/Walz campaign – We Chose Freedom and We are NOT Going Back!. The guests wore their favorite patriotic or political shirt or, in some cases, tie. They all looked Maaahvelous! DanversDems were well represented with many members attending plus some new Danvers faces and many folks from neighboring towns. I was especially pleased to see the support from many of the Democrat City/Town Committee chairs that attended.

I want to thank Marilyn and the DanversDems LeadershipTeam (Julie, Tom, Kacey and Liz) for pulling this all together. Thank you to everyone who donated food. There was a wide variety and plenty for everyone. Special thanks to Lou and Ellen George and Dave Rodriquez for manning the kitchen, to Marco for helping me with the microphone, to everyone who passed me notes helping me with people I needed to acknowledge or stuff I forgot, to Tom and Carla Meagher for taking the leftover food to the Beverly Shelter, to Joe Durand for taking pictures and Tom Meagher for general guidance to me on the order of the proceedings and speakers. I also want to give a special thanks to everyone for their embrace and kind words for Maria, who was determined to attend FreedomFest after her operation.

We also raised money for the DDTC Scholarship Fund.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone. Next meeting is Tuesday, October 15.

For more information contact: Lou Bernazzani at lou@danversdemocrats.org / 
781-607-4602 or visit the DDTC web page

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