

The GOP Convention begins on Monday. Four days that will be hard to watch but I think we must watch. Four days of attacking immigrants, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. Four days of advocating for more guns. Four days denying climate change. Four days of defending the racist, sexual predator, convicted criminal. Four days of lies about the Trump economy, his handling of COVID, his wellness and fitness. Four days of reminiscing about the 1950s when white men were entitled, women and minorities knew their place. Four days of lies about President Biden. All while they wrap themselves up in the flag.

Not much of an incentive to watch this but watch we must. Have a lot of friends and alcohol handy!

Oh yeah. It’s being held in Milwaukee. You know, the place Trump called a “horrible city”.


North Shore Race Amity Multicultural Festival – July 13

The North Shore Race Amity Multicultural Festival will be held on July 13 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM  at the 97 Elm Street parking lot across from the Danvers Town Hall.
Come celebrate our multicultural community with this opportunity to elevate kindness, respect and civility across racial and ethnic differences!
This events features Afro Beats Boston, Tactical Bouzouki, a cross-racial interview with Danvers Residents Emilia and Godwin, a Youth Panel and more!

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Public Reading of the Declaration of Independence – July 4

Rep. Sally Kerans and June Curtis sponsored the public reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 4 AM at the Library Pavilion. I learned from MaryAnn Kowlowski that this is the 10th year for this event. It was my first time attending and wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

It was a very well attended event with many people taking time out on their 4th of July morning to come to the park to listen to fellow townspeople read our Declaration of Independence. Members of the Danvers Alarm attended to formally notify the people of Danvers that the colonies had declared independence from England. People lined up to read a paragraph or a sentence. The readers were of all ages from 3 or 4 middle or high schoolers to senior citizens. There were quite few DanversDems attending as readers and as part of the audience. I found it to be a more moving experience than I thought it would be. Well Done!!

photos courtesy of Julie Curtis

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Debate Watch Night – June 27

Debate Night Watch Party was held on June 27 at the Polish Club.  It was a great event attended by about 25 people including members from Topsfield, Middleton and Peabody. It provided an opportunity for us to discuss what we are doing and plan to work together going forward.

Thanks to Liz Brennan for recommending to do this event and for her effort planning the event and preparing the room.

It was a great time and then the debate started…. Joe Biden needed to do one thing which was to show that he was up to the task and in my view, failed miserably. After the state of the union and his week in Europe at D-Day, this was totally unexpected by me. He looked tired, his answers were low and slow. Trump lied non stop for 90 minutes presenting many opportunities to be shown for what he is and Biden missed every time.

I am a “Joe Biden guy”. I supported him in his unsuccessful runs and volunteered on the day he announced his candidacy for 2020. I spent time in NH. It was heartbreaking to watch this debate for me because of its importance and for his inability to rise to the occasion against the greatest threat to our democracy.

I asked myself how can I knock on doors and respond to the statement that he’s too old and not up to the job due to his age. and I no longer have an answer. Joe Biden is a hero. He rescued us from COVID and from Donald Trump. It pains me greatly but, in my view, for the sake of the country I think that Joe Biden needs to consider stepping down. Once the impact of this debate wears off maybe I will come back to Joe but today I think we need to consider this action.

Photos courtesy of Julie Curtis

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Annual DanversDems Cookout – June 29

Marilyn graciously hosted the DDTC Annual Cook-Out and Scholarship Presentation again this year on June 29.

State Representative Sally Kerans and State Senator Joan Lovely presented the DanversDems Scholarship to Gabrielle Griffin-Fetsch. Gabrielle will be attending Boston College and majoring in Political Science.

The weather held up until the very end when we got a few sprinkles. Lou George did a great job serving as the Grill-Master. Lots of desserts and appetizers. We could hear Traskstock in the background. All and all, it was a very nice day.

The aftermath from Thursday’s debate provided for lots of lively discussion. I think it was good to be able to discuss the debate and the path forward for the party amongst fellow Dems.

Thanks to Marilyn for hosting, Julie for taking photos, Lou for cooking, Sally and Joan for presenting and everyone for attending.

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DDTC Meeting – June 24

The June Meeting was held on June 24 @ 7:00 in the Gordon Room at the library. It was a hybrid meeting as all future meetings will be.

Justin Glenzer, Out of State Director for the New Hampshire Democratic Coordinated Campaign spoke to us on how we can help the Biden-Harris campaign and to elect Dems in NH followed by questions and answers.

We discussed details on the Presidential Debate Watch Party on June 27 and the Scholarship Presentation Annual Cook Out on June 29. We continued our increase membership discussion using ideas from the MassDems Convention Seminar and some things other committees are doing to assist us in generating our ideas. The link to the document is: increase membership pre work document

Here are the slides used for the meeting: Presentation Slides

Here is the meeting agenda:  DanversDems Agenda

Thanks everyone.   Next meeting is scheduled for August 15.


DDTC Meeting – June 24 Read More »

Garden Party for Top Local Woman Leaders – June 22

An event to meet a fabulous foursome of areas top woman leaders.

Senator Joan Lovely

State Representative Sally Kerans

Governors Council Member & Candidate for South Register of Deeds Eileen Duff

Candidate for Governor’s Council Eunice Ziegler

Introduction by Lieutenant Governor, Kim Driscoll

Event is at home of John Archer at 10 North St., Danvers. Event starts at 4:00 PM

Chairs for the event are Julie Curtis and John Archer

Donations toward the successful campaigns of these four women would be greatly appreciated.

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