“When Donald Trump launched his post election assault on Democracy, he did not start with violence, he started with the Courts.” Marc Elias Across the country, our right to vote is under assault by a hard right Republican Party. In Arizona, they are pushing a proof of citizenship law that violates the Voting Registration Act of 1993. Voter suppression laws are proffered in Georgia and North Carolina. In Louisiana it’s discriminatory mapping; next door in New Hampshire, it’s a photo ID requirement for same day registered voters. Even here in Massachusetts, the Republican Party has sued to challenge mail-in and early voting. This random sampling of the continued and virulent threats to our voting rights by Republicans highlights our urgent need to maintain our Democratic majorities in the U.S. House and Senate. And we need to organize and rally support here at home to keep our strong majorities in our legislature and not let the extreme right gain ground. We need to ensure that, once the primaries are over, we unite and support our chosen candidates for House, Senate and statewide offices, with a laser focus on electing a Democratic Governor. Roe is on the ballot, voting rights are on the ballot, and gun safety is on the ballot. Voting For Democrats has never been more urgent. As you visit your communities this summer, work with the committees and recruit for local boards that may not have candidates for next spring. Our Blueprint organizational structure shouldn’t stop in November, it should be practiced year round. Share this message far and wide: Register voters, canvass, phone bank and volunteer as often as you can because our Democracy hangs in the balance. Thank you for what you do. |
Sincerely, Gus Bickford Chair, Massachusetts Democratic Party |