DanversDems Meeting: August 15

My Notes from DanversDems August 15 Meeting

Hello everyone,

My notes from last nights meeting for those who were unable to attend.

Presentation slides are available here: August Meeting Presentation

The transition from Joe Biden to Kalama Harris was top of mind with members expressing gratitude and respect for Joe Biden and enthusiasm, hope and dare I say joy with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

We had three great speakers;

Alex Bausch from the MassDems related the surge in volunteering since Kamala was nominated and discussed what we can do to elect Harris/Walz particularly in NH.

State Representative Sally Kerans informed us of the progress she and legislators made on the maternal health bill this week and is now on the Governor’s desk, the PFAS bill to protect Firefighters has been signed by Gov. Healey and continue to work economic development and clean energy. Also discussed housing for migrant families, the Steward Hospital situation, battling GOP effort to undermine voting and other issues.

Mary Henry spoke on behalf of Eileen Duff, candidate for Register of Deeds citing Eileen’s qualifications and asking for support on September 3 primary.  

Members were very engaged in discussion on Harris/Walz and with all three speakers.  So much so that I abbreviated some of the agenda but it was great to see the enthusiastic discussion.Members discussed interest in doing campaigning as a group with post card parties, phone banking parties and canvassing in NH.  We will work on these.MassDems is making Harris/Walz lawn signs available for $10.  I have until August 22 to place an order.  Contact me at lou@danversdemocrats.org or 978-304-2714, if you want a sign.  I will send out a separate email (sorry, yet another email) specifically for this.

Shout out to Liz Brennan for a very successful Toiletries Drive for the Food Pantry and to Phil Bolduc for negotiating with Town on guidelines for having an information table at the Summer Concerts and other events.

Charlotte Jordan was voted in as the newest member of the DanversDems team.  Welcome Charlotte.

OctoberFest is September 28. (save the date) Theme is “We ChooseFreedom!”   Everyone should have received an email invitation.  Contact me if you did not.  Volunteers to serve on OctoberFest Committee are welcome.

Democratically yours,


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