Sen. Lovely & Rep. Kerans file airport noise bill

State legislators are considering a bill that could help track and address noise complaints from local airports in the state — something Danvers residents say is needed to help stop noise issues from arising at Beverly Regional Airport.

The bill, filed as H.3358 and presented by Sen. Joan Lovely, D-Salem, and Rep. Sally Kerans, D-Danvers, went before the Joint Committee on Transportation at the Statehouse Tuesday morning during a public hearing on proposed bills.

It calls for the Massachusetts Aeronautics Division to collect and post all noise reports and complaints made to each municipal or regional airport in the state between April 1 and Oct. 1 regularly on its website, according to the bill.

It would also instruct airport towers to record the number and duration of all “touchand- go” maneuvers between April 1 and Oct. 1, data which would also appear on Mass Aeronautics’ website forever.

These maneuvers specifically have caused some of the strife between Beverly Airport and its neighbors in the Anthony Lane area of Danvers.

For months, residents there have complained to the airportand local officials that these touch-and-goes — when an aircraft lands on a runway then immediately takes off again, often as part of flight training — and an increased number of flyovers have polluted their properties with excessive noise.

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